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DMO KOD: 29917-K1727
Areas of influence
Chemical Neutralization
Aqua Premium, Medical Liquid Waste Disinfection and Neutralization device performs chemical neutralization fully automatically by changing the PH. The system does not require a kit or any brand / model consumables. Chemical inactivation is provided by the real-time PH measurement system and the fully automatic dosing system connected to it.
Biological Treatment
Aqua Premium is suitable for the treatment of hazardous liquid wastes in all areas where there may be a risk of biological contamination. The system can be safely used in human and animal health laboratories with all kinds of hazardous liquid waste output.
Stainless Steel Reactor Tank
Aqua Premium has been carefully manufactured as “Pharma Grade” for long-term and trouble-free use. The reactor tank and all its piping are made of 316 L quality stainless steel.
Biological UV Treatment
Aqua Premium has taken its superior technology by maximizing operation and user safety. Liquid wastes, which are fully disinfected in the system, are passed through biological UV after disinfection. In this way, the liquids coming out of the device were checked twice and the result was guaranteed.
Disinfection with Ozone
Aqua Premium is equipped with a built-in ozone generator. This system produces gaseous ozone without the need for any other process by taking the ambient air. The produced ozone is injected into the contaminated waste liquid in the reactor tank with special Venturi Injectors designed by HAKERMAN. The disinfecting effect of ozone is 3000 times higher than the use of equivalent chlorine. In this way, the liquid wastes in Aqua Premium are disinfected according to international standards.
Since the system produces ozone in itself, there is no consumable dependency.
Features of ozone:
Ozone is a natural gas that is formed when oxygen is exposed to an electrical field. Used for nearly a century in many areas by municipalities in Europe and North America (such as Los Angeles, Montreal, Nice), ozone is considered one of the strongest oxidizers available for safe water treatment and needs only a short contact time.
Ozone has many exceptional properties, including:
How is ozone produced?
Ozone occurs when oxygen molecules (O2) break down into atomic oxygen (O) and recombine to become ozone (O3). In many commercial applications, ozone occurs when gas containing oxygen passes through an electrical field separated by two electrodes. When the oxygen molecules in the gas interact with the electrical field, they break apart and recombine to form ozone. This process is Corona Discharge ozone generating method
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