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Hospital beds are expected to meet an extremely broad range of requirements. The tasks they are faced with in the various hospital units are so wide-ranging that you could be forgiven for thinking that the answer is to use a variety of special-purpose models. But wouldn’t it be easier and more user-friendly, as well as more cost-effective, to have one model of bed that would meet every need? This is precisely the approach followed by the Evario from Stiegelmeyer. Its intelligent modular system makes the Evario equally at home in any hospital unit. A variety of control options, safety side systems, castors and head and footboards are brought together to form a practical and attractively versatile hospital bed which addresses individual requirements while still providing excellent value for money. The Evario goes a long way to facilitating the work of nursing staff with its effortless use. Its planar design and its optional machine washability contribute to its excellent hygiene characteristics. These support hospitals in the fight against multi-resistant germs.
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